這才是世界上最美的秀恩愛 你那只能算合影

    Megan Gielow of MORNINGWILD Photography / Via junebugweddings.com

    Ryan McNulty of Gina & Ryan Photography / Via junebugweddings.com

    Sabrina Kolotylo of Dallas Kolotylo Photography / Via junebugweddings.com

    Verity Sansom of Sansom Photography / Via sansomphotography.co.uk

    這才是世界上最美的秀恩愛 你那只能算合影

    Sarah Cusson Walk of sarah cusson photography / Via junebugweddings.com

    這才是世界上最美的秀恩愛 你那只能算合影

    Sigit Prasetio of THEUPPERMOST / Via junebugweddings.com

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